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Mining Indaba 2014
February 3, 2014 @ 8:00 am - February 6, 2014 @ 5:00 pm
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About Mining Indaba 2014
About Mining Indaba
About the Canada Pavilion
In 2013, over 7,800 of the most (internationally-diversified) and influential professionals in African mining attended Mining Indaba. Since 2000, the Canada Pavilion has been a key anchor booth at this most prestigious event. Last year, over 60 Canadian mining companies attended the Canada Pavilion.
Africa’s rich endowment of natural resources is attracting foreign investment and the mineral sector is playing a significant role in the economies of many African nations.
Since 2000, Canadian mining companies have increased substantially their mineral extraction and exploration activities in Africa.
According to Natural Resources Canada, in 2012 155 Canadian companies held over $20 billion in mining assets in 36 African countries. Canadian firms were most active in East Africa, with $10 billion on the ground in 2012.
Canada’s presence in the Global resource sector, including Africa, extends well beyond mineral exploration activity. Some 2500 Canadian equipment and service suppliers provide expertise to the industry, including hundreds of consulting, engineering, environmental, legal and financial companies.
According to a December 2012 report drafted by the Toronto Stock Exchange, during the first nine months of 2012, 89% of all global mining equity financing was completed on the TSX and TSX Venture. Approximately 300 mining companies are doing business in Africa with more than 50% of those being Canadian companies that are listed on the TSX.
Who Attends Mining Indaba?
The world’s largest gathering of the most influential stakeholders – financiers, investors, mining professionals, government officials, in African mining.
By attending Investing in African Mining Indaba, you will join an international, powerful group of industry professionals who make Cape Town, South Africa their preferred destination to conduct important business and make the vital relationships to sustain their investment interests. More than 7,000 of the most internationally-diverse and influential professionals can be found at Investing in African Mining Indaba:
Download the 2014 Directory here
12:00 – 18:00 Registration Open
08:00 – 18:00 Registration Open
10:30 – 18:00 9th Annual Mining Indaba Golf Tournament at Pearl Valley Golf Course (benefit the Els for Austism Foundation)
– See page 11 for details. Coaches depart CTICC at 10:30. Shotgun start at 13:00.
07:00 – 19:00 Registration Open
08:30 – 13:30 Special Presentations from the World Bank and Partners
09:00 – 12:00 Pre-Conference Workshops – see page 6 for details
12:30 – 19:00 Exhibit Hall Open – neW oPen TiMe in 2014
12:30 – 14:30 Securities Exchange Session – TSX
12:53 – 12:58 Welcome to Cape Town – Honourable Mayor Patricia de Lille
12:47 – 17:12 Commodities Outlook & Review Forum
13:30 – 15:00 Special Topic Workshop – Hosted by ENS
14:43 – 15:28 Keynote: Phil newman
15:00 – 17:00 Securities Exchange Session – ASX
17:30 – 19:00 Welcome Reception in the Exhibition Hall
07:00 – 18:00 Registration Open
07:30 – 18:00 Exhibit Hall Open
07:55 – 08:05 Opening Remarks – Jonathan Moore, Mining Indaba LLC
08:06 – 08:25 Official Welcome from H.E. Minister Susan Shabangu, DMR RSA
08:26 – 09:16 Keynote Address: Eleni gabre-Madhin
09:17 – 16:58 Mainstage Corporate Mining Presentations (throughout the day)
09:15 – 13:23 Corporate White Paper Presentations (throughout the morning)
09:30 – 11:30 Securities Exchange Session – LSE
09:50 – 12:30 Non-African Government Presentations
12:26 – 13:25 Keynote Address: Hon. Colin Barnett MEc MLA, Western Australia
13:00 – 14:45 Networking Luncheon
12:30 – 14:30 Special Topic Workshop – hosted by KPMG
13:30 – 15:00 Securities Exchange Session – SGX
14:00 – 17:34 African Mining Ministerial Forums 1 & 2
15:30 – 17:30 Special Topic Workshop – Hosted by ERM
16:59 – 17:39 Keynote Address: Paul Collier in Conversation with Aidan davy
17:40 – 18:30 Cocktail Reception
19:30 Official Mining Indaba Gala Dinner (invitation only) at the Vergelegen Estate
07:30 – 18:00 Registration Open
08:00 – 18:00 Exhibit Hall Open
08:30 – 09:10 Keynote Address: Robert Friedland
09:11 – 09:51 Keynote Panel: graham Briggs, Mark Cutifani, and Robert Friedland (additional panelists will be announced)
09:15 – 13:40 Corporate White Paper Presentations (throughout the morning)
09:50 – 12:30 Non-African Government Presentations
09:52 – 16:53 Mainstage Corporate Mining Presentations (throughout the day)
12:00 – 13:45 Networking Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Special Topic Workshop – Hosted by DuPont
13:45 – 14:15 Keynote Address: Makhtar diop
14:00 – 17:29 African Mining Ministerial Forums 3 & 4
16:54 – 17:35 Keynote Panel: david Hale and Frank Holmes (additional panelists will be announced)
07:30 – 12:00 Registration Open
08:30 – 13:00 Exhibit Hall Open
08:40 – 13:00 Sustainable Development at Mining Indaba – see page 9 for details
13:00 20th Annual Mining Indaba Concludes
Mining Indaba 2014 Highlights
---> Click here for more videos & photos from Mining Indaba 2014
Partners & Sponsors

Phil Newman
CRU Strategies
Monday, February 3rd, 2014
Phil Newman is the CEO of CRU Strategies, the consultancy division of the CRU Group. Prior to joining CRU in 2006, Phil was a Principal with Golder Associates and a specialist in the field of paste technology, spending 10 years designing and constructing paste plants across the globe. Phil has a BSc Hons in Physics and a Masters in Mining Engineering from McGill University, Montreal.
Hon. Colin Bernett MEc, MLA
Premier, Minister of State Development, Science
Government of Western Australia
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
Since becoming WA’s 29th Premier on September 6, 2008. Colin Barnett has built a reputation as a strong advocate for Western Australia, for decisive leadership and promoting the economic and social development of the State. Mr. Barnett is committed to attracting investment and assisting the development of major projects based around Western Australia’s natural advantages in mining, petroleum and agriculture. Since 2013, he has also been Minister for Science, in recognition of the central role that scientific innovation will take in the future of the State’s development, particularly in mining, agriculture, astronomy and the environment.
Paul Collier
Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Blavatnick School of Government
Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies
Tuesday, February 5th, 2014
Paul is a Co-Director of the International Growth Centre and is currently a Professor invite at Sciences Po. From 1998-2003 he took a five-year Public Service leave during which he was Director of the Research Development Department of the World Bank. In 2008 Paul was awarded a CBE ‘for services to scholarship and development’. He advised the British Government on its recent G8, in which corporate tax avoidance and evasion were core concerns. This work is described in his article in Prospect, April 2013. Paul is currently adviser to the Strategy and Policy Department of the International Monetary Fund. He has written for the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. His research covers the causes and consequences of civil war, the effects of aid and the problems of democracy in low-income and natural resources rich societies. Recent books include The Bottom Bilion (Oxford University Press, 2007) which in 2008 won the Lionel Gelber. Arthur Ross and Corine prizes and in May 2009 was the joint winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book prize: Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places (Vintage Books, 2009); The Plundered Planet: How to reconcile prosperity with nature (Penguin, 2010), and Exodus: How Migration s Changing Our World, to be released on 3rd October 2013 (Penguin).
Eleni Gabre-Madhin
Chief Executive Officer
Eleni LLC
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
Eleni Gabre-Madhin is co-founder and chief executive of eleni LLC, a newly formed company with equity investments by Morgan Stanley and IFC (International Financial Corporation) that is positioned to be the industry leader in designing, building, and supporting the operations of commodity exchange eco-systems in frontier markets.
H.E. Susan Shabangu
Minister of Mineral Resources
Republic of South Africa
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
Mrs. Susan Shabangu is the Minister of Mineral Resources of the Republic of South Africa as well as a member of the African National Congress’ National Working Committee. She serves on the National Executive Council (NEC) of African National Congress. Shabangu sat on the Board Directors of the 2010 FIFA World Cup
Graham Briggs
Chief Excecutive Officer
Harmony Gold
Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Graham was appointed chief executive officer in January 2008 after his appointment to the board in 2007. A geologist by training. Graham has more than 37 years’ experience in the field and in an operational capacity at a number of South African gold mines. Graham serves as a director on Harmony’s subsidiary companies.
Mark Cutifani
Chief Executive Officer
Anglo American
Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Before taking up this position, Mark was previously CEO of AngloGold Ashanti Limited, a position he held since 2007. Before joining AngloGold Ashanti, Mark was COO at Vale Inco where he was responsible for Vale’s global nickel business. Prior to this he held senior executive positions with the Normandy Group, Sons of Gwalia, Western Mining Corporation, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines and CRA (Rio Tinto).
Rober Friedland
Ivanhoe Capital Corporation
Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Mr. Friedland is founder, Executive Chairman and largest shareholder of Ivanhoe Mines, which has an initial focus on advancing and developing three major mining projects in Africa. Ivanhoe Mines shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol IVN. Two of Ivanhoe’s projects – the Kamoa copper discovery, an extension of the legendary Central African Copper Belt, and a large unmined deposit at the Kipushi zinc-copper mine – are in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Makhtar Diop
Vice President for Africa
World Bank Group
Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Before taking up this position, he was the World bank Country Director for Brazil between January 2009 and April 2012, and previously held the positions of Director for Strategy and Operations of the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, and Sector Director for Finance. Private Sector and infrastructure in the same region.
Between 2002 and 2005 Mr. Diop was the Bank’s Country Director for Kenya, Eritrea, and Somalia.
David Hale
Founding Chairman
David Hale Global Economics
Wednesday February 5th, 2014
David Hale is a Chicago-based global economist and founding chairman of David Hale Global Economics. His clients include financial institutions in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. David Hale is currently coauthoring a book on the Chinese economy.
Frank Holmes
CEO and Chief Investment Officer
U.S. Global Investors Inc.
Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Frank Holmes is CEO and Chief Investment Officer of U.S. Global Investors Inc. which manages a diversified family of mutual funds and hedge funds specializing in natural resources, emerging markets and infrastructure. The company’s funds have earned many awards and honors during Mr. Holmes’ tenure, including more than tow dozen Lipper Fund Awards and certificates.