Our Team

Nola Kianza

President & CEO

Toronto Office
+1 (416) 572 2129 | nola.kianza@ccafrica.ca

Sari Ruda

Director, Creative Entertainment Industries

Toronto Office
+1 (416) 572 2129 | Sari.Ruda@ccafrica.ca

Chris Kianza

Vice President, Business Development & Member Relations

 Head Office: Ottawa, Ontario
+1 (613) 565 3011 | chris.kianza@ccafrica.ca

Patrice Malacort

Vice President, Quebec

 Quebec Representation
+1 (514) 758 3011 | patrice.malacort@ccafrica.ca

Frank Kense

Vice President, Western Canada

 Western Representation
+1 (780) 915 1110 | frank.kense@ccafrica.ca


 Ontario Representation
+1 (416) 572 2129 | admin@ccafrica.ca

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