We trust that you, your colleagues, and family remain healthy and well during these unprecedented times.
We will overcome this pandemic and we will become stronger as people, businesses and as a country than ever before. That is why it remains vital that we keep our eyes on new business opportunities as they arise on the horizon in Africa.
“Africa is the next continent, the population growth, the demography, the natural resources, agriculture it will all come from Africa… and the Canadian Council on Africa is kind of the [bridge] between Africa and Canada.” BENOIT LA SALLE, Chairman of the board, CCAfrica
The Canadian Council on Africa(CCAfrica) has worked hard since 2002 to build a strong network of interested parties from all sectors focused on Africa. Our current challenge is to protect the integrity of our network and maintain the connections and relationships that have been established over the past 18 years and we appreciate your involvement and partnerships.
Traditionally, CCAfrica has been solely funded through memberships and events (missions, conferences or meetings). COVID-19 has curtailed these latter options and as a result your financial support through membership fees remains crucial to continue the work of our organization. We appreciate that for many members COVID-19 has caused reduced income flows. So please contact us to discuss membership payment options in order to diminish the immediate financial burden on your company. Your continuing support will keep the organization strong. Click here to become a member or contact admin@ccafrica.ca to receive your membership invoice.
CCAfrica is working in collaboration with many partners in bringing business opportunities from Africa to your attention. Overall, the level of activity has been very high, and the positive response from stakeholders has been remarkable.
Here are some of the recent activity highlights we have undertaken despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic
High profile activities with: Heads of State, Ministers, Business influencers, Investors and Partners from Canada and Africa.
We have established business partnerships by signing collaboration agreements with organizations both in Africa and in Canada in order to better facilitate linkages between Canada and Africa
Does Africa remain an important investment opportunity? We invite you to consider these facts in the pdf attached
Testimonials from Members, Partners and Sponsors of CCAfrica. Click to hear directly from some of those who benefit from the CCAfrica platform.
ATCO| B2Gold | Bombardier| Borealis|Deloitte Canada| Cypher Environmental| IAMGOLD| McCarthy Tetrault| Mining Association of Canada| MSTA Canada| Prospectors Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)| SkyPower| Windiga Energy | Click here for full playlist
Again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for supporting CCAfrica by becoming a member, and reaffirm that we are always here for you, ready to support you and assist in meeting your business objectives in the months and years ahead. Feel free to contact us at any time.
Please visit our website at www.ccafrica.ca for up to date information about upcoming CCAfrica activities.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Nola Kianza,
President & CEO
Canadian Council on Africa (CCAfrica)
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- LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/canadian-council-on-africa
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/CCAFRICA2012 | @ccafrica2012
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/CCAFRICA.CCAFRIQUE
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/ccafrica1